Bubble Bubble Slots

Bubble Bubble Slots

Combining hooters with magic, Bubble Bubble Slots is a witch themed slot game that is high on sex appeal, and about average at everything else. This is not necessarily a bad thing, however, as for some players, this really can be enough. The gameplay works well enough, and there is a lot of eye candy to be had while playing, making for an experience that is right on the edge of racy, while offering spooky Halloween voodoo for those into that too. Taken together, and that is a lot to appeal to a wide variety of people, making this a slot that will likely scratch your itch if you are a fan of either beautiful women or creepy things-which feels odd to type in the same sentence, but it is what it is.


Not much going on here, but we love every bit of it. Witches are hot, and cauldrons are too, their power combined making for a formidable aesthetic. That is the easiest way to sum up the premise of Bubble Bubble Slots: sexy witches and spooky things. That is not to say it does not work, however. We begrudgingly admit that it does, and found ourselves enjoying it more than we likely should have.


Let it be said that despite the lead character being largely made of boobs and butt, the art in this game is actually a wonder to behold. All of the spooky bits are professionally drawn, look really great, and have loads of personality. Even the candles manage to have a Halloween vibe to them, and a lot of the things they managed to put in, such as a loving skeletal head, are actually clever when you think about it. This is a very pretty slot in more ways than one, and the team should be commended for taking the time to make it look so great.


The gameplay here is not bad, but it is not too far off from what most players are likely used to at this point as well. A four reel, 50 play line slot, there is certainly more to match here than the competition, though not all of said matching features as much as it could have in the gameplay itself.

You can match skeletons, potions, cats, spiders, and a nice variety of creepy things. Some of them even have nice multiplier bonuses. For all that is here to be found, however, it seems like more of it could have effected the gameplay than it does. A lot of the effects to be found are somewhat similar, only varying in degree. It still manages to be fun and engaging, but it would have been nice if the gameplay had the same care put into it that the graphics clearly have.


+ Looks really great + High production values all around + Gameplay works and is solid + Hot chicks


- With all the wonderful art assets, more could have been done with them - Having the title character in the center of the reels is kind of odd - If you are a girl and do not like spooky things, there is not much for you to see here

Who is this Game For?

This game is suitable for players of all types. In particular, it should appeal to:

* Players new to digital slots and looking for something relatively accessible * Moderate intensity players that have gotten their feet plenty wet in the online slots world and are looking for something a little more involved * Jaded slot vets * People that mostly want to win a bunch of money playing digital slot games * Players looking for slot nostalgia for the similarities and differences this slot has to other games * People more used to normal video games that are looking to get their feet wet in the world of online slots

Who is the Game NOT For?

Although we enjoy this slot, it is not for everybody. In particular, it may not be your cup of tea if this describes you in any fashion:

* Averse to winning money online * Looking for something truly innovative in the genre * You find the theme in any way offputting

Is it Buggy?

In the time we spent playing this game, we did not encounter any bugs, problems, or errors. The same cannot be said for all slots of this genre, so we commend the developers for a job well done on that. We also encountered no issues in processing winnings or payments, and everything ran very smooth just like you would expect across many varied devices in a variety of ecosystems and operating systems.


Being a wonderful niche offering, Bubble Bubble Slots is a genre piece that is well done and a good time in the right hands. If you like women, Halloween, and winning money, you will most likely like this game. There are still a wide variety of people we can see that not appealing to, however. Given that the gameplay outside of the presentation is not much to write home about, we can recommend this game with the above cautions. It is still very well done all around, however, and we ourselves enjoyed it quite a bit for what it was, only wishing a little extra time had been spent on the gameplay to do the graphics justice.