Cherry Red Slots

Cherry Red Slots
Harkening back to the classics that started the genre, Cherry Red Slots takes as its theme the famous cherry symbol from countless slot games of yore. Although it may only be a three reel game, there are ample chances of winning here, and you can expect to get a payout that is a little more often than you are probably used to. The simplicity of the slot here is key to its charm, which makes it easy to recommend for both short and long play throughs.


This is a slot that knows it is a slot. Cherry Red Slots is of the type that does not try to hard to appear to be anything other than a slot machine. That is part of its charm here, the theme essentially being that this is a solid digital slot game that has a chance to win you some money. There is nothing overly complicated about it or convoluted, no strange symbols to learn through a help menu, and no ambiguity about why you are there and what you are doing. Although there are a few twists here and there, there is nothing really to write home about on that front, it is essentially a solid slot that tries nothing to be anything else.


Because Cherry Red Slots does not try to be anything but a slot machine, all the symbols here are pretty standard. For that reason, all of them are very well done. Everything is bright, colorful, crisp, and vivid, raising your spirits as you hope to raise your bank account. There are odd sparkles here and there, but for the most part, it is a classic slot that is well executed and not your standard throw away art fair that you see on some of the more exotically themed slots filled with wizards and lizards and tigers and bears.


Depending on your tastes, this is where the game both shines and falters. Being a three reel slot with one play line, there is not as much going on here as some players may be used to in the more amusement park style slots that have a seemingly endless array of things you can match. This helps the game in that it keeps it very accessible, focused and simple. It hinders the game when you play it for too long and realize that there is not a whole lot more to see than you already have.

Vintage bells, cherries, and symbols round out what is on offer to match, but to be honest, there really is not a whole lot more to it than that. Coins vary between 25 cents and $5, putting this thankfully on the lower accessible end of betting given how barebones it is.


+ Does not try to be anything it is not + Solid, well done art + Accessible betting amounts + Simple + Classic theme


- May be too simplistic for some - At times can get monotonous - Does not stray too far from a tried and true formula

Who is this Game For?

This game is suitable for players of all types. In particular, it should appeal to:

* Players new to digital slots and looking for something relatively accessible * Moderate intensity players that have gotten their feet plenty wet in the online slots world and are looking for something a little more involved * Jaded slot vets * People that mostly want to win a bunch of money playing digital slot games * Players looking for slot nostalgia for the similarities and differences this slot has to other games * People more used to normal video games that are looking to get their feet wet in the world of online slots

Who is the Game NOT For?

Although we enjoy this slot, it is not for everybody. In particular, it may not be your cup of tea if this describes you in any fashion:

* Averse to winning money online * Looking for something truly innovative in the genre * You find the theme in any way offputting

Is it Buggy?

In the time we spent playing this game, we did not encounter any bugs, problems, or errors. The same cannot be said for all slots of this genre, so we commend the developers for a job well done on that. We also encountered no issues in processing winnings or payments, and everything ran very smooth just like you would expect across many varied devices in a variety of ecosystems and operating systems.


We enjoyed it. We acknowledge that this is a game you will love or hate, but we have a strong feeling most people will love it. In a world filled with slots that try to pretend they are anything but, Cherry Red Slots stands out in that it embraces what it is and runs with it. It is simple, accessible, easy to understand, and will leave no doubt to what is going on at any point in the play. The play itself not having a whole lot to it, however, makes for an experience that is more focused than the average slot. For us personally, we have come to enjoy that, and feel that the limited three reel nature of the game leads to more payouts and less nonsense floating around that makes you feel like you would win more than you really could.